Playing pretend and doodling are creative activities that do a lot more than just entertain children. In fact, they have profound benefits on your child’s health. Creativity helps improve the brain’s cognitive abilities. For example, people with musical backgrounds have stronger links between the two hemispheres of their brains. Creativity can be linked to associative […]

Playing pretend and doodling are creative activities that do a lot more than just entertain children. In fact, they have profound benefits on your child’s health.

Creativity helps improve the brain’s cognitive abilities. For example, people with musical backgrounds have stronger links between the two hemispheres of their brains. Creativity can be linked to associative thinking as well. Creativity can also help our brain develop neural connections to grasp new concepts easily.

That’s why it’s important to foster creativity in your preschooler, so they could explore and learn without having to suppress their brilliant minds. Creativity is good for your child’s brain health.

This blog will be your guide to help you boost creativity in your preschooler.

Ask ‘What If’ Questions

This enhances their creativity because they combine two ideas or concepts in a particular manner on a neural level. Asking children ‘what if’ questions would help them see the world as a puzzle piece and improve their ability to solve puzzles and connect dots. This will spark a love for learning and knowing – a curiosity that would help them in every phase of their life.

When they come up with their own unique answers, it’ll create a drive in them to create and to imagine.

Provide Resources for Creativity

It’s important you give time for creativity. Structured playtime can be limiting. Kids need a lot of time for unstructured and imaginative play without hindrances from caretakers.

Give them the tools to be creative like art supplies, costumes, building materials, etc.

They also need ample space to create new things. They will be messy and you don’t want to inhibit them, so a room or the attic is the perfect place for them to act out plays or play dress up.

Create a Creative Environment

With the creative space, they also need a creative atmosphere. Give them an atmosphere where brainstorming and coming up with ideas is encouraged. Don’t evaluate, point out errors, or rank their ideas as to deter the creativity. It should be about the process and not the results.

Share with your children artists, singers, musicians, and painters that you love and share their work.

It’s okay to fail and it should be encouraged to fail so they can learn in the process. This also curbs the fear of failure.

Give Freedom to Explore Ideas

Let your children disagree with you so they can be encouraged to find their own thoughts and solutions. This will also help develop critical thinking skills. Ask them to come up with solutions. But don’t deter them from showing flexibility in their thoughts. Not letting them have their own ideas will impede any creativity they have.

Let them have Fun

Process over results, always! Ask them if they had fun and what did they like and what they accomplished. The feeling of accomplishment will follow when they are proud of their work.

Here at Whole Child Development Center, we believe in and foster the benefits of creative thinking. Our child development center’s expert team will encourage creative thoughts and critical thinking skills. Our day care’s innovative and stimulating activities will help promote creative learning and cognitive development of your child.

So call us today at 913-495-9797 or visit our website.

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